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Day 36 ..... Guntersblum ....Rest day I ..... 2,931 km

Guntersblum is situated on the Rhine approx 35 km south of the city Mainz and about 45 km south of Frankfurt. Do a boat cruise on the Rhine and the odds are you will be stopping at Mainz. It has a picturesque old town and is most famous being the home of Johannes Gutenberg who invented moveable type in 1439 that led to the printing press and mass production of printed matter. The museum in the old town is itself over 115 years old and one of the oldest such museums in the world . 

My reason for making the 35 min and 7.50 EUR each way train trip from Guntersblum to Mainz was ostensibly two reasons . Firstly to buy a new rear cassette for my bike as the local bike mechanic who was servicing my bike did not have one . Secondly was to stock up on camping equipment in readiness for the trip further north.

Cassette successfully purchased it was off to SINE outdoor and camping store.

Meet Geza. He hails from Hungary and after my hour long experience of heeding his advice can testify to his very deep knowledge of all things camping. Such was the quality of his service that whilst selling me a sleeping bag a customer who he had served two years ago popped into thank him for his hiking boot recommendation back then professing that they were the most comfortable boots she had worn. Clearly he had left an impression.  An asset to the service world for sure and just a genuinely nice guy. 

A very traditional dinner for this time of the season in this part of the world. White asaparagus, potatoes, ham, and hollandaise sauce. Beautifully prepared by the accomplished chef team at Weingold Hotel in Guntersblum.  

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