Day 61 .......Koppang to Tynset ........104 km .......(total 5,017 km)
I didn’t think it was an engineering possibility to have a road go uphill for 47 km with not the slightest flat or downhill section. Norwegian road authorities thought otherwise when construction the Rf3 . Throw in a monster head wind that was hurtling down the valley and a semi trailer roaring by every few minutes and you begin to get a picture of my day.
Before I got to the Rf3 however there was the small episode of leaving Koppang. There were 3 different routes to Tynset and for some reason my, up until now , impressive navigational tool known as STRAVA, decided to send me along a timber logging road for the first 15 km . Out here you’re in big sky country. You’re also in “see no car, see no house , see no one else” country.

In the middle of nowhere I passed what looked like a motocross circuit. Then it dawned on me from the signage that it was in fact a Nordic Skiing Park. I am guessing where all those fat free nutters on roller skis I have been passing enroute go to in winter when this area is under 400 ft of snow. Which I am betting it is.

For 57 km all that separated me from the traffic was that little strip of bitumen between the white line and the culvert to the right. It takes a lot of concentration to stay within that narrow band as trucks and motorhomes roar by. A fully laden semi trailer weighs 80,000 lbs or just over 36,000 kg. At 110 kph he is not even going to notice hitting me weighing in at around 140 kg and doing 10 kph. Having said that, without exception the Norwegian truck drivers were the consummate professionals and when possible gave me a huge amount of space when overtaking. I thank them , and I thank them again. I was super impressed and super thankful.

Lovely huh? Big sky country like I said . Now hold that picture into a force 6 headwind and haul yourself and 40 kg of bike and luggage up that road.

Ever wonder where that Norwegian floorboard got cut and shaped from being a innocent looking pine tree in a Norwegian forest? Then wonder no more. Probably at one of the many sawmills like this one at Avadal.

If you can’t fill up your water bottles from a Norwegian mountain brook then where can you ?! Water clearer than glass and fresher than you’d think possible .

Someone clearly missed the council memo about all houses being stained dark brown with white trim .

Barn of the day. Yes, that’s snow in the background. Over the course of the day, and despite the sun being ever present the cold wind and the increasing altitude made for a cool day. First day since northern Germany that have I had to don a wind jacket and long cycling leggings . Oh and long fingered gloves too.

And no. I am not going to the toilet. That’s called stretching after a particularly hard stage of the ride where the gradient, wind and traffic made me pause and wonder. That’s my “ what am I doing here “ pose.

This twin carriage train went up and down the valley past me all day. Every time it seemed full of passengers. Smarter than me type people obviously . I am going to come back and do that train trip. Both ways, up and down the valley. At least 4 times . Maybe 6.

When I turned up at Tynset campjng they were going to charge me 160 NOK. (About 14 GBP or AUD$ 25) . When she said she could do me a cabin for 300 NOK With breakfast thrown in I almost tore her arm off. Clouds were beckoning , it was cold, I was tired. Ok it might only have a a bunk bed and cook top in it and I still have to walk across the site to the bathroom and to have a shower . But it seemed luxurious , especially when I discovered the switch for the heater. And who doesn’t want to sleep in a cabin with grass on its roof at least once ?

If you don’t hear from me tomorrow someone please call Tynset camping and ask them to check cabin no.5