Day 32 ........Neuf Brisach to Strasbourg ........79 km (total 2,707 km)
Work on building Neuf Brisach commenced in 1698 under the watchful eye of its designer, Vauban, who was a military engineer and commissioned by Louis XIV to build the fortified town against the German states who had taken control of the oringnal Brisach which was down on the Rhine. This was the “new Brisach”. The design of the town is unique and with 40 ft walls on the outer barrier and equally thick walls on the interior walls combined with the unique layout of the ramparts it makes for a well fortified town. We left via the eastern gate and like it’s southern gate that had a rhinoceros of hay this one had an elephant.

Neuf Brisach was devoid of anything serving breakfast so we cycled to the next town called Biesheim. You know you’re seriously close to Germany when one of these comes begging for some of your breakfast.

Pretty soon we dropped down onto one of the many large canals that runs adjacent to the Rhine and for the next 60 km our scenery was reflective of this. Stunningly quiet and naturally beautiful.

The Rhône Au Rhin is a major canal that eventually dumps into the Rhine. With blue skies , a light headwind , and a very slight downhill gradient it was a lovely way to spend a day cycling 79km.

Eventually we arrived at Strasbourg . Famous for many things and Home to the European Parliament. Strasbourg’s Cathedral when completed in 1647 was the worlds tallest building for the next 227 years. Today it’s still in the top 10 tallest churches in the world and is considered one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture.

Surrounded by water on all sides , Strasbourg’s old town is an island and a picturesque one at that .

Nothing with a city with street names like this either.