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Day 66...... Osen to Namsos .......80 km .......(total 5,399 km)

In total contrast to yesterday the sky was a lead grey when I peered out from the tent and with a north westerly wind whipping in off the fjord it was decidedly cool. 

I had arrived last night long after the office had closed and this morning was in the midst of leaving some money under the office door when the owner arrived . Refusing to take my money (“it’s only a tent it costs me nothing for you to stay “) he also made me a coffee then sat with me and chatted mostly about fishing which is clearly a passion for him. 

Meet Jon (?) . He’s owned the campsite for 15 years and you couldn’t  fault his work location stuck as the campsite is inside the Osen Fjord with spectacular views down the fjord and out to see. 

Setting off the first 20 km were straight up onto a plateau. However with a bubbling brook over my right shoulder the views compensated for the climb.

Atop the plateau it was a repeat of yesterday with countless small lakes crowding the scenery. Plenty of forests too. 

Someone’s new house or hunting lodge once. 

Odin’s parents aren’t going to be happy. Sitting on the road unscathed we’re a brand new pair of children’s sunglasses. Perhaps tossed out of the car window in a temper tantrum? I left them propped up in the guard rail. 

Word pronounciation challenge of the day. A days ride with me to the first non-Norwegian speaking person to pronounce this correctly .

Coming off the plateau and after only seeing 28 cars in 45 km I joined the busier E17 towards Namsos . I think I had done 28 cars in the first km. Jon back at Osen camp had said “....once you’re off the plateau it’s all downhill to Namsos “.  Back to a blog a few days ago - if they haven’t ridden that section of the road on a bike themselves  then take their words with a pinch of salt. Flat it wasn’t. Undulating it was. Plenty of sharp short hills that required all my gears followed by descents that didn’t seem just reward for the climb just done. 

As I have noted before, Norway closes down on a Sunday. Which I have to say I think is a great idea. With internet shopping and supermarkets open 24/7 is there really a need for us to go shopping on a Sunday? How about we donate the day to family. Anyway I digress . I popped into this service station which is the only type of business allowed to open on Sundays. In the corner were two gambling machines . Clearly there had been a significant winner in the past as these two documents testified. The problem is that one is dated 2002 and the other 2010. Surely if it’s been that long since another major winner you wouldn’t be advertising it? 

Finally got to camp a little more saddle sore and tired than I thought 80 km warranted however the views weren’t bad and met a lovely Dutch couple in the communal eating area. 

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